
Dia di Bonairu – Bonaire Flag Day

Bonaire Flag Day is a legal holiday on Bonaire, it is called "Dia di Boneiru" in Papiamentu, the local language. It is celebrated each year on September 6, which will be this Sunday! Normally there are celebrations in one of the appointed areas of the island, which will not take place this year due to COVID regulations. Traditionally the flag ...

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Caribbean Colors and 365 Days of Summer

What do you think of when hearing the word 'Caribbean'? I'm thinking colors; white (coral) beaches, aqua waters, blue skies. Bonaire's coast line offers exactly that, and where it stands out most is the south coast, in my opinion at least. From Punt Vierkant going all the way south to Red Slave, for those of you who know our little ...

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